Monday, March 9, 2009

You are Plan B

I don't know about you, but I've been approached by more and more people doing side businesses. It used to be the occasional friend or acquaintance that would invite me to a "party". Funny enough, even while writing that last sentence I was phoned by someone asking me to attend her opportunity meeting tomorrow.

Thanks to the failing economy, a lot of us are out there are creating our own stimulus packages, which says a lot for our resilience and willingness to work hard, but at what expense?

I personally belong to 4 alternative businesses that fit somewhere under the "network marketing" description. I use all their products and believe in them for my own personal reasons.

In the last year, I've started buying more local products and services when I can, and supporting others in their home based businesses or network marketing ventures. I use Stream energy to power my home (an Ignite product). I have in my bathroom, cupboards filled with products from Amway, Usana, Mary Kay, & Arbonne. My kitchen is stocked with URI International live whole food nutrition powder tubs, Elements for Life super foods like gogi berries and raw chocolate and fizzy Isotonix vitamins from Market America. And after tomorrow's meeting, I will probably have some all-natural Malalueca cleaning supplies in my laundry room.

Last night I stayed up until 1 am in the morning talking to my neighbor who is thinking of joining a wine tasting club network marketing company. I told her it sounds fantastic that anyone can get paid from attending wine tasting parties. I also told her to look at the numbers and make sure it doesn't waste her time, or cause her too many hang-overs. :-)

I myself had to look hard at the numbers in my ventures lately, after a state-of-the-union address with my husband. Yes, the business write-offs are wonderful. It gives me about $4,000 worth of tax deductions during the year. That alone, should be a good reason for some people to start a home-based business, but for our family, it is not. We have two boys in private Montessori school, and me not making an income is not an option.

I started looking at what I could do to boost my bottom line and stop wasting my time. Sure, residual income is great, but it's not going to pay my bills right NOW. The trick is to find a company whose service or products you can offer at high enough mark-ups to make it worth your while. No one is going to get rich quick, or slowly for that matter, earning a dismal 15% of a small-priced product. It also needs to allow you to earn money whether or not you sign anyone else up for your "opportunity". It's tough out there folks, and yes, even though this economy is perfect for picking the opportunees from the "Plan B" tree, not everyone will fit into your type of business, or from your possibly narrow product-line MLM box.

When people look at alternative income streams, they should make a list of things they are impassioned about, know something about, or things they enjoy doing. For example, I enjoy creative things, making things look good, ie. brochures, websites and greeting cards. I also enjoy feeling good, being healthy and contributing to the "green" and organic movement while lessening my carbon footprint. These are all activities I can feel great about, therefore ideal for my situation. Everyone is different and thank goodness for that!

I propose, as we are approached by more and more people and may even consider joining a net-work marketing business... be PREPARED! Know what to say and how to act. What is the etiquette in these situations? I personally try to live by the golden rule, so for me it's not that hard. Yes, I will learn about what you are doing and give you the respect that I would appreciate in return. Nothing more sad than losing friends and alienating people just because you wanted to SHOW them something. But there are better ways...

I've been a follower of Ann Sieg for a couple years now and found her profoundly truthful and brutally honest. I've learned a lot from her message, writing, marketing style and from her group of professional associates. She's just come out with a new book called Marketer's Manifesto.

The Marketer's Manifesto

It's a free e-book to download (click on pic) and don't worry, you won't get sent into any spammer's box. Only I will know that you chose to peek at it. Shhhh...I promise not to tell anyone you're looking!

As you've figured out by now, YOU are your own best plan B. A corporation, your employer, or the Government will not likely bail you out. Chances are, if you use your intelligence and intuition, you will weather this economic storm.

Oh, and if you'd like to discuss your side-business, or what you're looking into/considering, or if you don't know where to start, please let me know. I'd be happy to talk about pro's and con's, strategies, etc. and be a sounding board. Either way, I'm sure I can help in some way. And in this economy, it never hurts to make a lot of new friends.